3 Tips For Creating Successful ASO Strategies

app store ranking

If you’re a developer, it’s likely that you already know the importance of app store optimization (ASO). For those who don’t, ASO is the process by which you optimize your application in order to make it more visible on the app stores. Simply put, if users can’t find your app in any of the search results or charts - then how will anyone know about it? As such, ASO is essential for any developers hoping to succeed within their industry. But how do you go about creating successful strategies for your own apps? Well today we’re going over three tips on creating an effective ASO strategy…

1. Think about how you want to be found

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a way to get your app found in the App Store, and it’s important to think about how you want to be found.

With over 2 million apps on the market, it’s easy for users to miss out on what makes yours stand out. If you don’t have an ASO strategy in place, then there are plenty of other apps that do–and they’re taking up valuable space in search results!

2. Make sure your keywords are relevant

Keywords are the words people use to search for an app. They’re the metadata that describes your app, and they should be in your app title, description and keywords.

If you want to optimize for a keyword like “cooking games”, don’t just stick it in there randomly; make sure it fits with what you do! For example: “The best cooking games on iOS.”

3. Don’t leave the ASO to chance

The app store is a crowded place and it can be hard to stand out. If you want to succeed, don’t leave the ASO work up to chance. You’ll need to monitor your app’s performance and stay up-to-date with trends in order to get ahead of the competition.

Optimize your app’s web presence before ASO

When you’re creating a strategy for the app store optimization, it’s important to optimize your app’s web presence before ASO. This means creating a website and blog, setting up social media accounts, adding contact information and privacy policies within the app itself (if possible), in addition to that you can use 1LINK.IO to automatically create an optimized SEO-friendly landing page for your app, this will be indexed by search engines.

When done correctly, this will help increase visibility in search engines as well as provide users with all the information they need before they download an app.


If you’re looking to optimize your app for the app store, it’s important that you have a solid strategy in place. You can’t just throw up some keywords and call it good–you need to think about how users will find your app, what those keywords mean and how they relate back to what it does. It’s also crucial that these words are relevant so that people who search them will actually want what they find when clicking on an ad or website link!